Sunset Blvd.(サンセットブルーバード)
ウエストハリウッドを東西に伸びる通り。昼間はセレブ御用達のショッピングエリア、夜は老舗クラブやライブハウスが軒を連ねる魅力的なナイトスポットに。 LAの街並を存分に楽しめる通り。
品番:J-617 J-Doll / Sunset Blvd.(サンセットブルーバード)
Release: November / 2010
Size: About 11 inch
Package: Window box
Material: ABS, Cotton and others
Accessories: Stole, Doll Stand
Where is she?: A street that extends from East to West through West Hollywood. During the day, it is a trendy shopping area for celebs and at night the street is busy with legendary clubs and bars for an attractive nightlife. A street where you can fully enjoy the happening scene in LA.